Turn the Youth Around
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2008 Youth Baseball - Date St. Community

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The goal of any successful youth program is to change the lives of those without any hope.  Turn the Youth Around focuses on working with “At Risk Youth” make good choices in order to succeed in both life, and within the communities in which they live. Yes, we strive to help them become the most productive members of our society that they can possibly be.


Turn the Youth Around (TTYA) is a recognized *Federal Tax Exempt and State of California Non-Profit charitable organization that needs the support of the community to ensure the success of future generations to come.  TTYA seeks to use the medium of the performing arts and media production to teach students educational basics, such as mathematics, science, computer literacy, language and social skills, while also training them in relevant production, and performance skills through the use of television production technology.


I believe in investing in “The Youth of Today to Develop the Stars of Tomorrow.”  Something magical happens when you invest in the dreams of our youth -- believe me, I know -- because someone invested in me like you!


I was part of a poor family, and from a very deprived area, but because of caring individuals, and organizations such as yours, I was able to turn my life around and reach out to help others.  Many of the problems we see in our society today are a direct result of no one going back into the communities to train up the youth to make socially responsible decisions in many important areas of their lives.


I’m encouraging you to support the  “Stars of Tomorrow by Investing in the Youth of Today.”


Remember…. The ball is in your court, so let the magic happen!!!




Bill Pennerman, 

Director - TTYA

Nick Canon 2008 MLK Poster Sponsorship

Make A Donation Now, We Appreciate Your Support!

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*Federal Tax EIN: 81-0677144  - State Organization No. 2591241